Tuesday, 30 March 2010

Long Sunday run

Done another 9 miler this Sunday. Much easier course and an easier pace and yet felt more like hard work. Not a good run at all. Strangely or not I think it was down to going too slow. Will see about upping pace again next time.

Saturday, 27 March 2010


Actually went proper barefoot today. Having a stroll around Bradgate Park and decided to take shoes and socks off. Felt great to feel the different textures below the feet. Grass bracken rocks stones twigs all sorts. Most enjoyable. Will be doing that again.

Tuesday, 23 March 2010

Bilat rest week

Fourth week of the Bilat V02 routine, done usual 4 reps of a 1/4 mile hill. Nice and steady.

Thrussington Fun Run Sat 20th

My annual trip off road. Considering I ran 10k last Sunday non stop, had to walk some parts of this little fun run course. Stream crossings hay bales more stream crossings muddy banks. Great stuff. Seems some much tougher than the road. Good fun though.

Wednesday, 17 March 2010

Bilat Tueasday 3

Tough ole night tonight. Operating at 105% of V02 max pace. Avg 8:08 pace. Short but intense.

Monday, 15 March 2010

the Bells

Now race calendar has slowed down a bit, thought best get the bells moving again. Especially as how quick the year is going. Will be holiday time before you know it. Best do some work on the physique.

Kept it light and simple with a 12 KG.
20 around the body passes, 20 Fig 8 to hold, 20 sidebends, 20 windmills, 10 hack sqt, 20 suitcase, 10 behind neck goodmornings, 10 sumo, 20 press, 20 elbow rasie, 10 triple crush, 10 upright row, 20 rows, 10 bi curls.
Workload 2640kg. Nice intro back into it.

Sunday, 14 March 2010

Markfield 10k

Markfield 10k today. Set off like a Loon. 8:50 first mile, what was I thinking? No matter. Come the finish another personal best. knocked 2 mins 10secs off previous best so happy with that. No warm up just straight into it. Probably explains scatty heart rate for tyhe first 3/4s of a mile. Suspect tech glitch with garmin as did not feel like that high to me.
Bit of a rest on the race front now. Concentrate on the Hinkley half.

Wednesday, 10 March 2010

Bilat Tuesday 2

Ran with Jen. Done the BilatTuesday 2 routine. Went rather well. operating at the low end of the pace range so going well.
Carrying bit of a calf issue after Sunday and perhaps ran a day too early but too late now.
The Splits.

Sunday, 7 March 2010

Stilton 7

Have done no runs since Tuesday, not ideal. Bit of an issue with left knee, something needs clicking back into place.

So the Stilton 7. Not done this one before. 2 laps of an undulating course. Oddly seems to have a disproportionate amount of down hill. This seemed to give me some grief in the calf area smack on the 6 mile mark. Seems calf was in compression rather than tension as normal. Might be that might not. Ended up having an expensive last mile. Overall even with poor last mile came in at an avg of 10:02 pace. I am happy with that. Was sub 10 at 6 miles but hey ho.

Tuesday, 2 March 2010

Billat Tuesday 1

Some how it is now March and I have not done a speed session, Put that right tonght. Done the first Tuesday in the Billat v02 routine. Good to have done it, tough as usual but good.

Monday, 1 March 2010


Have taken a rest day after Sundays 9 miler, I have used the time to sign up fo rthe Hinkley Half Marathon on Sunday the 9th Of May.

In line with what I tell the beginners at our running club, choose an event and train for it, rather than, train and pick and event when you are ready.

Adds some focus to the job in hand.

Bring it on.