Wednesday, 26 August 2009

Must try harder

Been quite some time since my last post.

Had been training specifically for the Prestwold 10k. (28/06) Started out ideal running conditions overcast cool even a slight drizzle in the air. That didn't last. Sun came out for the start and just got hotter and hotter. The race is based on an old airfield so lots of concrete and the surrounding roads. I ran the event in my trusty Vibram Sprints, needless to say they caused quite a stir with lots of double takes and a lot of "What the.... are they?" Most amusing. As I am sure I have mentioned previously I am not a naturally gifted runner, but I do my best. Today I did do my best. With specific 10k training and commitment I finally achieved my long time goal of completing the 10k in under an hour. I usually get within a minute or so but not under. To non runners, finding 10 - 15 secs per mile does not sound a big ask. It is. My garmin registered the 10k in 58:15 race time result was 59:45. This was not a chipped event so always some room between the start and me crossing the line as I start at the back. Even so I was under and that's all that mattered. I would have taken 59:59 and still been happy.
For anyone interested in Vibrams I can say I have never ran so injury/issue free since changing to these from normal run shoes. I also ran in them sockless, no blisters no nothing.

Since achieving my goal I strangely felt lost. No sense of direction or motivation. I need a new challenge. Even my kettlebelling has wained. Have done some heavy stuff this week in an attempt to tone up before going on hol.
As an aside I prefer to go heavy and low as I do not ache afterwards. Cracking out the usual 3x10 reps just leaves me aching. The last thing you want to do is walk around on hol with the DOMS. (delayed on set of muscular soreness)

Thanks for reading I`m off on my jollies for a week.

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