Friday, 11 December 2009

Round up

Have been doing 100 club kettlebells everyday this week. No set pattern just 100 reps of anything that takes my fancy.

Done 60x16kg swings as a warm up before going out for a run.
7deg C. still, misty, run tights, long sleeve compression top, band for ears, light gloves. Vibram Fivefinger Sprints. Has been rather wet here recently so deliberatly choose a route that would take me across muck/grass paths. Feet wet within 1/2 a mile of setting out. Hit the first sludge about a mile in, just as I remebered ZERO grip. Great fun. Running with my usual run partner Jen. Made her smile as I a bambi'd my way along the path. Came round to bit of a grassy hill. Still no grip legs going like wile E coyote but making no ground. Finally got to the top left a couple calling cards in the sludge for someone to find (foot prints). Turned, looked down hill, looked at each other smiled and went for it. Got 80% down on my feet but ended up doing the last 20% on my arse. Got up smiled again and set off for the biggest puddles I could find. Arrived home like a 7 year old. Head to toe in muck and laughing. It was like if I can act like a kid so can she. Loved it.

We do long runs, hill reps, intervals etc and all in a purposeful way. But our Friday afternoon runs have turned into a run for the sheer joy of running. This is how running should be.

1 comment:

  1. try out these instead of the sprints, i found they fit better.
